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The stopped heart - Bookhero
The stopped heart - Bookhero

The stopped heart

AED 20.00

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In this dark and mesmerizing novel, a grieving couple seeks refuge in a country cottage. But the cottage has its own history of tragedy. Are the chilling memories trapped within its walls becoming their new reality?

Mary and Graham Coles move to a Suffolk cottage that hasn't been lived in for years. The large garden and beautiful apple orchard are exactly what they need to put the horror of the past behind them. Mary starts to sense something in the house-- children's whispers; footsteps; figures in the garden; a young man with red hair in the orchard. The Coles are unaware of the history of the house-- one hundred and fifty years earlier, a huge oak tree was felled in front of the cottage during a raging storm... and beneath it was a young man with a shock of red hair, presumed dead. Is there a presence-- an evil-- at work? Or has Mary's grief turned to madness?
Author: Julie Myerson
ISBN: 9780062409324
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 406
Dimensions: 0 x 0