"The Complete Book of Sushi" is the definitive collection of traditional, contemporary and innovative recipes for lovers of this Japanese cuisine. Fresh and delicious, sushi is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, as it's low in fat and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Aesthetically pleasing, sushi is also surprisingly simple to make. This practical book will show you how to create beautiful and elegant sushi dishes with ease. Featuring a wide variety of recipes for: Planning and preparing a sushi mealSushi rollsNigiri-sushiMolded sushiHand-Rolled sushiVegetarian sushiChirashi-sushiWrapped sushiSushi rice in fried tofu bagsSushi in a bowlNew sushiDrinks, sauces and side dishes
Author: Hideo Dekura | Brigid Treloar | Ryuichi Yoshii
ISBN: 9780794603168
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 239
Dimensions: 234 x 284