Twenty years ago, a mysterious group called the Blue Demon committed a series of bizarre and ritualistic crimes evoking the legacy of the lost race of the Etruscans, and leaving in their wake a group of dead students, a murdered couple, a cryptic message and a kidnapped child. Now, the leaders of the G8 are descending on Rome for a summit at the Quirinale Palace. But when a politician is found ritually murdered, seemingly by a strange young man dressed as an Etruscan god, detective Nic Costa suspects that the old case was never really solved. The Blue Demon appear to have returned - and planning, under the leadership of the fanatical Andrea Petrakis, to unleash a devastating sequence of attacks on the city. As Costa and his team start to dig deeper into the past, they find that there are still too many unanswered questions and much more to the history of the Blue Demon than anyone wants to admit . . . 'Hewson is a daunting talent a writer who is master stylist, who respects the audience's intelligence and who effortlessly keeps the thrills coming a mile a minute' Jeffery Deaver
Author: David Hewson
ISBN: 9780330512510
Format: Paperback
Pages: 416
Dimensions: 130 x 197