Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Property Management | Ken McElroy – Dubai - Buy Used/Second-Hand Books - BookHero
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Links to Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Property Management by Ken McElroy

Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Property Management

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So you've made your real estate investment, now the question is: How are you going to make it successful? Maximize its potential? MMake it grow? One word: management. Hundreds of thousands know bestselling author Ken McElroy as a real estate investment tycoon. in his new book, he reveals the key to his success, exceptional property management, and teaches you its most important principles, showing you how to fundamentally succed where others fail. THE ABC'S OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT tells readers: How to decide when to manage your property and when to hire someone to do itHow to implement the right systems and structures for your investmentHow to manage and maximize cash flowWhat to expect: a month in the life of an owner-managerHow to find the right property manager (and avoid the wrong ones)How to assemble a superior management team.
Dimensions:145 x 224
Author: Ken McElroy
ISBN: 9780446538312
Format: Paperback
Pages 208