Ramses II, the Son of the Light, is about to reach his coronation. He has all he should need to become a great pharaoh: his wife Nefertari and his mother both love him unconditionally, and he derives great strength from solid friendships he formed in childhood, especially with the Hebrew Moses. Perhaps most importantly, he has his own ability to measure those qualities in other men which will help him to carry out his duties effectively. And yet still the young pharaoh must fight to hold on to the throne.
For lurking all around in the shadows are new conspiracies against Ramses. Will he succeed in avoiding the traps set in his path by his older brother? Can he avert the black magic of a mysterious sorcerer and ward off the schemes of the Hittites?
The ambushes accumulate and Ramses' defences are exhausted. To vanquish their enemies, visible and unseen, the royal couple resort to the only possible course of action - they build a Temple of a Million Years.
Author: Christian Jacq
ISBN: 9780684821207
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 352
Dimensions: 152 x 232