From Louisa May Alcotts beloved classic Little Women, Geraldine Brooks has animated the character of the absent father, March, and crafted a story filled with the ache of love and marriage and with the power of war upon the mind and heart of one unforgettable man (Sue Monk Kidd). With pitch-perfect writing (USA Today), Brooks follows March as he leaves behind his family to aid the Union cause in the Civil War. His experiences will utterly change his marriage and challenge his most ardently held beliefs. A lushly written, wholly original tale steeped in the details of another time, Marchsecures Geraldine Brookss place as a renowned author of historical fiction. A very great book... It breathes new life into the historical fiction genre [and] honors the best of the imagination. Chicago Tribune A beautifully wrought story about how war dashes ideals, unhinges moral certainties and drives a wedge of bitter experience and unspeakable memories between husband and wife. Los Angeles Times Book Review Inspired... A disturbing, supple, and deeply satisfying story, put together with craft and care and imagery worthy of a poet. The Cleveland Plain Dealer Louisa May Alcott would be well pleased. The Economist
Dimensions:130 x 193
Author: Geraldine Brooks
ISBN: 9780143036661
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages 273