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Links to Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer | Dr. W. Dyer Wayne

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life

AED 10.00

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Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China dictated 81 verses, which are regarded by many as the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. The classic text of these 81 verses, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offers advice and guidance that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good. In this book, Dr. Dyer reviews hundreds of translations of the Tao Te Ching, or the Great Way, and writes 81 distinct essays on how to apply the ancient wisdom of Lao-tzu to today's modern world.
Dimensions:140 x 40
Author: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer | Dr. W. Dyer Wayne
ISBN: 9788189988050
Pages 416