"All his life, Awarn has heard the stories: how the Clan-lord Cernach drove the Horse-people back to the islands in Wild Sea, so that all that remained of them were memories and talk - of figures glimpsed by moonlight, of shape-shifters, and of a white horse which runs in darkness; how Roech fell in love with a beautiful priestess of the Horse-people, and brought her back to Nam Dubh as his wife; how it brought disgrace on them all, and sent orphan Awarn and his grandfather into the empty marshlands. Now twelve years later, uncle Mhorged has sent for Arawn and he returns to the stronghold of Nam Dubh. But, set apart from his fellows and suffering all the cruelties and indignities heaped unpon him by the vengeful inhabitants, Arawn's sens eof isolation deepens - until, at last, he feels complled to search out his roots with the Horse-people." - back cover.
Dimensions:109 x 173
Author: Sheila Fulton
ISBN: 9781840674156
Format: Paperback
Pages 408