Mickey Dallow, a talented but deluded artist, hovers on the fringes of the London YBA art scene of the 1990s. Trapped in an obsessive, doomed love affair with fellow artist Audrey Mickey's life is set to spiral out of control. Interweaving real and imaginary art world characters Mickey The Mimic's neo-noir narrative of black comedy, casual violence and duplicity raises serious questions about the concept of originality in art and the ownership of ideas.
On original publication in 2013 Lake's novel was named as one of the 'thrillers of the year' by the Mail On Sunday. Due to the demise of its original publisher the book went out of print within months. In 2014 a new limited edition paperback immediately sold out and it has been unavailable in any form since. This new edition revives the title. A lost classic of contemporary noir which was used as the source material for the award winning short film Over & Over in 2015.Dimensions:0 x 0
Author: Kirk Lake
ISBN: 9780992900106