Kagome seems like an ordinary high school girl...until she's transported to medieval Japan and discovers that her destiny links her to the powerful Jewel of Four Souls nad to a half-man, half-dog-demon named Inuyasha! Almost HumanA new crop of demons is plaguing the land. The more demons are killed, the more humanlike they become. This progression culminates in a battle between the gang and Moryomaru, Hakudoshi's new and fearsome creation. Can Koga and Inuyasha stop their in-fighting long enough to battle a common enemy? Historical Action And Romance From One of Japan's Most Beloved CreatorsKagome is a modern Japanese high school girl. Never the type to believe in myths and legends, her world view dramatically changes when, one day, she's pulled out of her own time and into another! There, in Japan's ancient past, Kagome discovers more than a few of those dusty old legends are true, and that her destiny is linked to one legendary creature in particular--the dog-like half-demon called Inuyasha! That same trick of fate also ties them both to the Shikon Jewel, or "Jewel of Four Souls." But demons beware...the smallest shard of the Shikon Jewel can give the user unimaginable power.
Dimensions:122 x 190
Author: Rumiko Takahashi
ISBN: 9781421518305
Format: Paperback
Pages 210