In a world where animals no longer exist, twelve-year-old Kester Jaynes sometimes feels like he hardly exists either. Locked away in a home for troubled children, he's told there's something wrong with him. So when he meets a flock of talking pigeons and a bossy cockroach, Kester thinks he's finally gone a bit mad. The pigeons fly Kester to a wild place where the last creatures in the land have survived. A wise stag needs Kester's help, and together they must embark on a great journey, joined along the way by an over-enthusiastic wolf-cub, a spoilt show cat, a dancing harvest mouse and a determined girl called Polly. The animals saved Kester Jaynes. But can Kester save the animals?.
Dimensions:26 x 200
Author: Piers Torday
ISBN: 9781780878300
Pages 325